Who Was The Better Choice For Mayweather’s Next Fight?


Over the past few weeks, Floyd Mayweather has narrowed down his options for his next fight to Marcos Maidana and Amir Khan. As speculation continues to accumulate, who should Mayweather choose, or now, have chosen? With rumors suggesting that he has chosen to face Marcos Maidana, what was the right choice for Maidana?

There have been numerous, at times contradicting, reports of Mayweather already making his choice. Nothing is yet to be confirmed, so speculation on who would be the better opponent, what is the wiser choice and what will be the better fight is still up in the air. It is however edging closer towards a Maidana fight. 

Now, the right ‘choice’ can be from different significant perspectives, what the fans want, what benefits Mayweather and what will generate the most income.

Best Choice For Mayweather: Marcos Maidana

Amir Khan’s argument that he is putting across on Social Media, Marcos Maidana is the better choice because Mayweather may want some easy pickings.

With all due respect to Maidana, after Khan beat him, he seems the weaker opponent, and from Mayweather’s perspective it is understandable that he would choose the weaker opponent to benefit him – that is not a discredit to neither boxer, just the logical thought process. 

You could argue that fighting Amir Khan would further solidify Mayweather’s legacy, but a fight with Khan – considering his losses – wouldn’t go far (of course with all due respect) and a much bigger opponent would place Mayweather higher up the legends’ list. 

Of course, as a personal challenge, Mayweather would want to match his speed compared to Khan’s. You can’t doubt that Mayweather’s time in the sport has shown him emerge as one of the greatest, so he won’t tend to back down right?

What The Fans Want: Amir Khan

It’s clear that the fans wanted to see Amir Khan become Floyd Mayweather’s next opponent in response to a poll where fans voted on Twitter on who they preferred. 

An intriguing match no doubt, two boxers who really personify speed, and a fight that would have much more hype going into it with Khan’s status considered and Britain being in his corner.

Floyd Mayweather didn’t help himself when he ‘allegedly’ – not yet confirmed – chose Maidana as his opponent despite Khan winning the vote, but maybe the fans will get this, or possibly a Pacquiao fight – a dream for many boxing fans that has lived on for many-a-year. Maidana is of course a good choice but judging by the reaction Khan is more preferred.

Best For Business: Amir Khan

Amir Khan vs. Floyd Mayweather would be $$$. Two huge box-office stars selling out Las Vegas or another huge arena would do wonders for the promotion, with big draws from the States and United Kingdom. 

But it is down to Mayweather after all, the promoters cannot sway more money to his already sizable bank account, leaving an open choice.

As we approach closer to a deal that is looking like Maidana to fight Khan, we still wait. Both will test Mayweather, but who will test him most? Sound off in the comments below.

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Team GB’s Sochi Success Puts Winter Sports Back In The Spotlight



Team GB brought back a few medals for their efforts in the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. With Curling one of the major break outs, another great performance sees expectations exceeded and a vast increase of interest in winter sports.

Team GB won gold in Women’s skeleton. IMAGE COURTESY: BritishSkeleton.co.uk

Team GB won the equivalent amount of medals that they did in the inaugural Winter Games way back in 1924, ninety years ago. Great Britain took back four medals for their efforts, two in curling, Gold in Skeleton and their first ever medal on snow.

The Sochi games were almost a breakout and resurgence for the Winter Sports, and one profound example of it was Curling. Although their performance was lackadaisical in the Curling Final that saw them miss out on Gold, they still picked up an all important silver medal, while Team GB’s Women Athletes captured Bronze. 

Curling’s rapid growth in popularity was helped heavily by the BBC, with “#LoveCurling” hashtags encouraging people to show their love for curling through Tweets and photos. Initially, many seemed skeptical to get into the sport due to the results that seem complicated at a first look. However, the flow of rule explanations among the web showed that Curling wasn’t a complicated nor boring sport, and was arguably the biggest break out sport in the Olympics.

Funding for the Curling will definitely be encouraged following Team GB’s success in Sochi. With two medals taken home, they’ll no doubt be enthusiastic to encourage more into curling and breed the next athletes for Winter Olympics, with new funding announced from the National Lottery fund that could see fit with Curling.

Women’s Skeleton has went from strength-to-strength in the Olympics. In the 2006 Winter Games in Turin, Italy, Shelly Rudman took home a silver medal, and that was bettered on four years later by Amy Williams winning Gold – before Lizzy Yarnold’s Sochi triumphs. Despite not having a specific ice track to train for the sport, it looks like the dry tracks in England have been enough to make a big mark on the sport. And it shows how much it is valued, with those three bearing the Union Jack in the three respective closing ceremonies.

Another breakthrough for Team GB would come for the first time, on snow. Jenny Jones had a fairytale win in the Snowboard Women’s Slopestyle after overcoming adversity in her career. With the slopestyle discipline being introduced in these games, Team GB got off to the mark in emphatic fashion with the Bronze.

It’s more than possible that Team GB could go on to break their medal record in South Korea in four years’ time. There was many more athletes featured in Sochi that opened up opportunities, Team GB really took off for Winter Games.

Going forward, the idea is to propel Winter Games into the spotlight where it is more accessible, something of which could be achieved with the funding that has been set following a successful Winter Olympics.

Team GB have exceeded expectations in Sochi, and now in 2018, look to catapult Winter sports into the frame, building a significant foundation for more success to follow.

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Remarkable Turnaround: Hammers Bouncing Back With Incredible Form


Prior to impressing with three consecutive league wins, there was some evident turmoil within the confines of West Ham United. But the recent run of form from the Hammers has drastically changed the situation.

IMAGE COURTESY: Mirror.co.uk

Four consecutive wins for the London side in February saw them begin to set their aspirations on looking up, rather than a possible descent to the bottom of the Premier League. Prior to this great run of form, there was plenty of speculation about a possible exit with Sam Allardyce potentially being sacked. 

Under one week into the New Year, a message from the joint-chairmen would include the following statement: “Like all West Ham United supporters we feel frustrated and hurt by our recent results. We understand how you feel and we, the Board, feel the same.” The message was coming off a shocking FA Cup defeat where West Ham lost 5 – 0 in an away trip to Nottingham Forest. 

In that same month, what once seemed like a glimmer of hope, the Capital One Cup semi-final, was crushed by a devastating Manchester City as they romped to the finals over two legs. 

Six games from December 21, West Ham United failed to win a single game over three competitions, leaving them in no domestic cups, and now only the Premier League to focus on. 

After an aggregate 9 – 0 loss in the League Cup Semi-Final would further increase talk of Sam Allardyce possibly being sacked. Nonetheless, his credentials seemingly bought his time, as taking a club like West Ham to the League Cup Semi-Finals was a significant achievement. 

Prior to their remarkable run of form and four successive wins, West Ham would lie in the relegation zone, eighteenth in the table with nineteen points. It is that which makes their previous run of form all the more significant as they pushed forward to the top half of the league table.

Albeit opponents who were not a prominent threat, their extraordinary four game win streak would be a true sign of their improvements as they won their games by two goals respectively in each. 

They are looking at their best now, and really can push for a solid mid-table position in the league. Suddenly, fast forward two months from the turmoil into the New Year, and West Ham United are brimming with positivity in a run of form that has went unmatched. From the bottom of the league, now to the top half, West Ham have turned a corner for the better.

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Daniel Bryan, John Cena Have WrestleMania Dreams Crushed, Orton Scrapes Through to WrestleMania

Elimination Chamber 2014


MINNEAPOLIS  Randy Orton capitalized on the Wyatt Family’s attack on John Cena, and Kane’s attack on Daniel Bryan to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and see off five opponents in the Elimination Chamber match.

Elimination Chamber 2014 was hosted in the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was the final pay-per-view event before WrestleMania 30, which takes place in April. 

Along with the main event, the WWE Universe also witnessed an epic war between two of the most formidable tandems in WWE history, as the Wyatt Family saw off The Shield in an incredible match.

In the pre-show, Cody Rhodes and Goldust prevailed in the pre-show match where they saw off a game effort from Curtis Axel and Ryback. The ‘Brotherhood’, as they are known, showed great unity and chemistry to persevere with things not going their way in previous weeks. They had previously lost the titles at Royal Rumble, less than one month prior.

Six superstars featured in the main event, known as the Elimination Chamber. A barbaric, unforgiving structure that was the only way to capture the prestigious WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Big E def. Jack Swagger
Retains Intercontinental Championship (via Pinfall)

Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston extended his reign to 96-days as Champion as he overcame an onslaught from Jack Swagger in the opening match of the PPV.

Jack Swagger, who seemed a redeemed superstar on his resurgence following Zeb Colter’s motivating tactics, had Big E locked in a Patriot Lock (ankle lock) on two occasions, and the Champion was on the verge of tapping out.

The Real American would also feel the wrath of Big E’s power, coming with no surprise that he has enjoyed such a dominant reign as Champion. It wasn’t long before the fans were chanting “HOLY [expletive]” in reaction to a shocking spear from Big E Langston sending Jack Swagger off the apron, and powering himself through the ropes.

Zeb Colter would also prove a distraction, but not effective to seize the Championship out of the Master of the Five Count‘s grasp. 

A solid match between two of WWE’s upcoming stars would conclude when Big E Langston found a way out of the Patriot Lock to nail Jack Swagger with a Big Ending, meaning in hindsight, that a strong showing from Jack Swagger was alas in vein.


New Age Outlaws def. The Usos
Retain WWE Tag Team Championships (via Pinfall)

The New Age Outlaws made their second title defense as they defeated Samoan Twins, The Usos – who came agonizingly close to capturing the Gold.

Throughout a majority of the action, Jimmy & Jey Uso controlled the match with their activeness and energy outdoing The New Age Outlaws in a battle of different generations. They were tagging in actively to control the former DX tandem members.

At times the action would also spill to the outside, as Billy Gunn took a few cheap shots while his opponents where pre-occupied with his tag team partner Road Dogg. With The Usos nearing a win, a roll-up from Billy Gunn, seemingly illegally pulling the tights to do so, put The Usos’ tag team Gold ambitions on hold.

Titus O’Neil def. Darren Young

Titus O’Neil dominated his long-time friend and former teammate Darren Young to take out his frustration from recent weeks.

While Darren Young had glimpses of resistance to battle Titus O’Neil, the powerhouse would control the match for the majority, including a display of extraordinary power where his Irish Whip completely threw Darren Young over the turnbuckle.

Eventually, Darren Young would succumb to Titus O’Neil’s power, and was put away as O’Neil picked up a big win to propel him forward.


The Wyatt Family def. The Shield

The Wyatt Family triumphed in an epic battle with The Shield as the two tandems collided in an incredible contest.

It would be the numbers game that this time round, would catch up with The Shield. The Wyatt Family would manage to take out the other members during a truly captivating back-and-forth contest.

As the spotlight descended upon the Target Center in Minneapolis, there was a big fight feel as they prepared to do battle in what would be a sensational match. An early brawl broke out between the two that would only further the desires of the fans who were eager for the match.

Seth Rollins was fired up during his spell that got the fans pumped up, as he took out Erick Rowan with a suicide dive, but his night would come to an end when he went crashing through a table. 

Dean Ambrose would ruthlessly tangle with his opponents, although he would also succumb to the unmatched ability, as Bray Wyatt dispatched him from the other side of the barricade.

Recurring scenes of carnage all around the arena were a potent demonstration of the war that had ensued. Luke Harper flying over the ropes was a huge highlight of the match with the 300-pounder catapulting himself toward The Shield.

Roman Reigns was the last man, and he would show an incredible feat of strength when Bray Wyatt attempted to dispatch him with the Sister Abigail – pulling his hand off and thereafter clearing house with a Superman punch to Bray Wyatt and spear to Luke Harper.

However, the numbers were against him, as they would catch up and Bray Wyatt would capitalize to finish Roman Reigns.

This match description, like The Shield does not do the match justice. The Wyatt Family are the victors from an absolute classic.

The Wyatt Family stand toe-to-toe with The Shield at WWE Elimination Chamber 2014

Batista def. Alberto Del Rio

Batista set his sights on WrestleMania after overcoming an early attack from the Mexican Aristocrat.

A second attempt of a Batista bomb would prove successful as Batista responded from the onslaught to put Del Rio away.

Faking an injury, Alberto Del Rio entered with crutches, but when Batista was looking away, Del Rio launched an early attack.

As a result Batista was slow out of the blocks, that was until Del Rio’s head rattled the exposed metal turnbuckle leading to a powerful Batista bomb.


Randy Orton wins Elimination Chamber match
Retains WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton capitalized on the Wyatt Family’s attack of John Cena and Kane’s cheap shot to Daniel Bryan to prevail in an amazing Elimination Chamber match.

Antonio Cesaro and Sheamus started off the action as the first two in the match. Two brutally-matched superstars would throw big shots at each other including countless uppercuts, and later on Sheamus would deliver a grueling slam to rattle Cesaro’s back off the unforgiving steel.

Daniel Bryan’s arrival as the third entrant would heat up the Minneapolis crowd as he flew around the ring and garnered momentum. Soon though, his former WrestleMania opponent Sheamus would ground him.

Christian would enter next, and worked on damaging Daniel Bryan’s injured arm. A few moments after, Cesaro would punish Christian smashing him through the pod glass. Cesaro, who put on a great showing, would also hit Sheamus with the glass.

By the time WWE Champion Randy Orton had entered, no one was eliminated and six opponents occupied the Elimination Chamber. The Champion was soon cornered but locked himself back in the pod – that was until Sheamus had other ideas and Brogue Kicked Randy Orton, breaking the glass in the process.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton was subject to a huge Cesaro swing that involved 30 full swings. 

The first elimination would be Christian eliminating Randy Orton. A German Suplex from the top rope by Randy Orton was followed up by a splash from Christian from the top of the pod, putting an end to Sheamus’ twenty-six minute run in the match.

Soon after however, Daniel Bryan would eliminate Christian with a Flying Knee, leaving four combatants left. 

In what would prove his final feat of strength, Cesaro would take out Daniel Bryan and John Cena with an electric chair, but after John Cena gave him an Attitude Adjustment onto the glass, and then an STF submission to follow, Cesaro would tap out and his great showing would come to an end.

With three combatants remaining, The Wyatt Family would intervene as the lights went out, and John Cena was targeted. They launched a savage attack followed by a Sister Abigail, screwing him out of a title two events in a row. Randy Orton would pin the helpless John Cena, leaving him and Daniel Bryan remaining in the contest.

Kane would get involved in diffusing the situation with The Wyatt Family, but would receive a knee from Kane, that would ultimately cost Bryan, as Kane hit him leading to a second RKO that would put Bryan away.

News Round Up
News from the ins-and-outs of the event

– “Bad News Barrett” enters after Big E defeats Jack Swagger. The British wrestler makes a mockery of the USA getting less medals than Russia in the Winter Olympics, also mocks Daniel Bryan after Tag-Team Championship bout
– “CM Punk” chants break out loud during The Usos vs. The New Age Outlaws, last for around twenty seconds
– #WWEChamber trends #1 Worldwide on Twitter half-an-hour into event, #SHIELDvsWYATTS also trends #1 Globally
– “Age and wisdom overcame youth” – Rey Mysterio on tag team Championship match
– Crowd loudest with “LET’S GO WYATT/SHIELD” chants throughout bout
– AJ Lee retains Diva’s Championship vs. Cameron
– Fans boo Batista throughout Del Rio bout


Big E and Jack Swagger really heated up the crowd to start the event with a solid match. Some superb spots including a suplex of the top rope and spear through the ropes showed that the two can really get it going. Going forward, Jack Swagger may be on course for a collision with his fellow Real American Antonio Cesaro, while Big E could be using his power in a bigger way, maybe Mark Henry perhaps? Perfect utilization of the mid-carders with that match.

It was quite a symbolic set up between The Usos and The New Age Outlaws. We had one young generation, future tag team Champions and the Veterans, elements proving to coexist and really put on a great match. The Usos will have their time, but now we shall enjoy the six time tag team Champions of the World perform very near to their prime.

Darren Young and Titus O’Neil’s match was short and although its not preferred to say it, it was rather insignificant. The fans were not into it much, and a subdued reaction to Titus O’Neil’s win. As for the match, O’Neil had good displays of strength, but it was a somber end to it all.

What a match between The Shield and The Wyatt Family. There are not enough superlatives to describe it. The crowd were red hot, each superstar shone, and it finished in the right way. It will be hard to top that for ‘Match of the Year’. 

We learnt it all, or at least our knowledge was reinforced in Batista’s victory over Del Rio. No reaction with a crowd that was anti-Batista, and he is main eventing WrestleMania? He’s in for a hard time from the fans.

Randy Orton vs. Batista is more than a questionable WrestleMania main event considering the reaction. But what a match at the Chamber, Cesaro pulled off a great performance, and stole the show with incredible spots. Wyatt Family and Kane go Orton’s way to win. Dramatic conclusion too.


Yet again, Daniel Bryan is screwed out by the system, and Randy Orton scrapes through to win the Elimination Chamber, and will face Batista at WrestleMania 30. 

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Gareth Bale Scores Extraordinary Long Range Goal in Real Madrid’s Win Over Elche


Gareth Bale scored a stunning goal as part of Real Madrid’s 3 – 0 victory over Elche on Saturday.

Gareth Bale, the World’s most expensive player, fired the ball in from 30 yards out.
Assier Illaramendi netted the first goal, while Isco would score the final goal with ten minutes left to play.

Slowly but surely, it looks like Gareth Bale is making his way to paying off the price tag.

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Six Reasons Why Liverpool Can Win The League


With the title race heating up week-by-week, speculation is running rampant as to who remains in the race to capture the title. Liverpool have made their intents to go for a historic league win, and here are six reasons why the Reds can go on to league triumph this season.

IMAGE COURTESY: Empire of the Kop

Although many have been quick to dismiss Liverpool as title contenders, the possibility of the Reds winning their first title in over two decades is well and truly alive.

Brendan Rogers’ side currently lies four points off the top spot – and with twelve games still to play in the season, a lot can change that may see Liverpool climb atop the league. 
It’s going to be one very hotly contested title race as the season ticks down to an enthralling culmination. Over the years the football has never been short of spectacular or historic moments, and Liverpool winning the league could easily be another one. They have one of the best striking partnerships in Europe and a manager that knows what he’s doing – along with other reasons. Here are the top five as to why Liverpool can lift the Premier League trophy in May.

Arsenal Can’t Keep Up The Pursuit

It’s clear that Liverpool’s demolition of Arsenal at the Anfield made a huge statement and demoralized the Gunners, possibly derailing them for the remainder of the season.

After their loss to Liverpool, the Gunners went on to deliver a subdued performance at the Emirates in a goalless draw with Manchester United, of where many problems where outlined such as lack of character and urgency, poor chance conversions and holding back to a great extent. Arsenal have twelve league games remaining as part of a tough schedule that includes a Champions League tie with Bayern Munich. Arsenal’s resources are diluted around some areas, and that can only be thinned further during the tough schedule in February and March.

Mesut Ozil’s recent criticism will only add to the growing backlog of Arsenal’s problems going into the remainder of the title race. In addition, Olivier Giroud has a lot of pressure on him considering that the Frenchman and Nicklas Bendtner are the only true strikers in the squad. Should Giroud get injured or go into a slump, Arsenal’s goal scoring outputs could minimise significantly.

Should Arsenal fail to keep up the race for the title and drift away from the top, Liverpool exploit the opportunity to lock horns with Chelsea and Manchester City, while Arsenal can also take some points from the big clubs to pave the way for Liverpoool’s title win. Having Arsenal out of the equation would result in Arsenal’s title probabilities increasing.

However, this reason might become less of an issue with Sanogo looking better, and Arsenal bouncing back by defeating Liverpool in the FA Cup, and Sunderland in the league.

Brendan Rogers Is The Ideal Manager

Brendan Rogers is one of the best managers that Liverpool have had in the Premier League era. Under his authority, Liverpool have looked a much improved team and are enjoying some of their best form with the Northern-Ireland-native in charge.

Liverpool has a true voice of reason within the club that has rubbed off onto the squad and created great results. From the incorporation of young players, to speaking out in press conferences and pushing his players to do better, Brendan Rogers is working wonders for Liverpool.

What makes Brendan Roger’s leadership such a smooth ride for his players is that he stays out of controversy. While Mourinho and others are voicing their title hopes, mind games or criticising other teams, Rogers has made his team just get down to business. He’s backed his team to win too which would be huge encouragement for the players who have grown very fond of him during his tenure with the club.

IMAGE COURTESY: The Independent

They Showed Championship Character

Liverpool’s thrilling 3 – 2 win over relegation battlers Fulham was a display of true Championship character, as skipper Steven Gerrard fired home a penalty in stoppage time.

It was one of their most telling performances of the season. On the verge of losing, they would fire back two goals within the last ten minutes of the game to pick up three vital points that will go a long way. They could have easily rested on the basis that they had demolished Arsenal, and dismissed the result, but they fought on to pick up a huge win. 

They went from winning at ease at Anfield to a last-gasp win at Craven Cottage. The contrast of those games within four days showed us what Liverpool are about, resilience and most importantly, class.

Daniel Sturridge & Luis Suarez Are The Best Striking Duo In The League

The lethal partnership of Daniel Sturridge and Luis Suarez has worked wonders for the side and now has put them in contention for Liverpool’s first league win in 24 years.

Earlier on in the season, this argument was heavily challenged by Alvaro Negredo and Sergio Aguero, the duo from Manchester City who were running riot week-in and week-out leading to the New Year. However, during that time, Liverpool’s strikers would show that they were the most effective.

Between them, they currently have 39 league goals in total and are poised to break records leading to the end of the season. Daniel Sturridge’s form has been exceptional as of late, scoring in seven consecutive games breaking Liverpool’s record. Meanwhile for Liverpool, Luis Suarez incredible form, along with securing his new contract at the club, have made this duo lethal and unstoppable.

In Sturridge’s first match back from injury, he would link up with Suarez almost instantaneously to make the difference, a real lesson of how important the two where to Liverpool. Furthermore, they complement each other very well, creating assists for one another to forge a partnership of title-winning implications.


Midfield Prominence

Liverpool’s midfield roster has signficantly improved and increased from past season, with players such as Phillipe Coutinho taking a more important role thus allowing more flexibility in side choices and also reducing the pressure on Steven Gerrard – with him still being the midfield anchor.

We’ve seen Jordan Henderson also rise to the occasion for a more important role which makes it a key part of Liverpool’s campaign, with plenty of good service to both Suarez and Sturridge.

They Are Hungry

It’s been twenty-four years since Liverpool last won the league. That’s a time period of excessive time for a top club like Liverpool to not taste the sweet glory.

Hunger is really the fuel to the fire for this Liverpool side. They definitely have the ability and resources to go on and win the league, now it’s a case of their desire to get their hands on the Premier League trophy. It’s hunger that provides the extra push, like we saw in their big win at Fulham, and in a close title race like this, it could make the all-important difference.


Liverpool are still not out of the question of winning the league for the first time in 24 years. But they’ll need to keep up the pressure on their opposition with teams returning to great form to create a climate that makes the title challenge very difficult.

A few games after this, it could look a very different situation – Liverpool could be out of it, or even top. 

The title race is far from over for the Reds.
 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Best Non- BPL Winners XI


There have been countless players that have graced the Premier League and not won anything to show it. This video shows the best eleven not to get their hands on a Premier League title.

Key Players:

Brad Friedel – Well, for starters he has been consistent at every club he’s been at, still going strong at the ripe old age of 42, and well, Wojciech Sczcesny as proven as the American.

Leighton Baines – Had he not been playing at the same time as Ashley Cole, Bainesy would have been the best Premier League left back of his era. Enough said.

Steven Gerrard – No seriously, was there any doubt in your mind? Stevie G has been immense for the past 15 years and has given the Premier League fans exactly what they want, drama, destructive goals, and tremendous influence on the game.

Fernando Torres – OK we get it, sure Fernando Torres hasn’t shown enough consistency in his time in the Premier League to warrant a place in this team, but it was either Nando or Peter Crouch, we were torn as to which one so you might as well consider Peter Crouch to be in this team also.

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Standstill: Arsenal Draw Goalless With Manchester United at Emirates Stadium


LONDON – Arsenal and Manchester United’s attempts to redeem themselves from their poor weekend results were halted at a standstill as their well-contested game at the Emirates finished goalless.

Kick-Off: Wedensday 12 February 2014 at 7:45pm (GMT)
Location: Emirates Stadium, London
Score: Arsenal 0 – 0 Manchester United
Goalscorers: N/A
Man of the Match: Wojiech Sczceny

Although the storms hit the UK causing two postponed games, there was no rain fortunately at the Emirates Stadium.

There would be early chances that easily could have opened the game, however the opportunities were not capitalized on and they took a point each – of which could have been more for either side.

First half

Manchester United got the ball rolling to start the game, and approximately one minute in, Robin van Persie came close to scoring at his former club after latching onto Mikel Arteta’s mistake. Going one-on-one with Szczęsny, the Dutchman fired it straight at Arsenal’s keeper to squander a chance for an early lead.

Soon after, the hosts would come close to opening the scoring as Jack Wilshere beat Nemanja Vidic, but his shot was courageously blocked by Chris Smalling. From the corner, Olivier Giroud would get even closer, with his header going wide – a huge chance gone begging.

Merely minutes in, and the game was already wide open with big chances that easily could have made their mark on the scoreline. Arsenal were more active to start. 

David De Gea had to think twice from Thomas Rosicky’s shot, which initially looked to pose no threat and was going off target, until it deflected off Nemanja Vidic’s back forcing the Spaniard to dive and safely grasp the ball. 

Robin van Persie scuffed another chance for his side, after Juan Mata set him up for a shot, he seemed to hesitate and poorly hit wide. Looks like the barrage of boos were leaving him unfocused. 

Olivier Giroud looked to pose more threats when he beat Nemanja Vidic off a corner to head wide. Manchester United’s centre-half was having a bad game.

With a fiery start to the game, the tempo had slowed down slightly with Olivier Giroud having another chance only to slash the ball wide. Two injuries followed, including Kieran Gibbs’ head injury after a collision when heading the ball and moments later Rafael landed awkwardly on his neck – fortunately both could carry on.

It would finish goalless as the teams went in for the interval. Arsenal finished on top with plenty more possession to close out the half and passing around with class and composure. 

First half comment: “A really well-contested first half of action. The biggest goal chances / threats came early on in the game. Robin van Persie was provided with the service needed but could not convert in the first half. It was another story on the other side for Nemanja Vidic, sluggish defending from the centre half with Olivier Giroud beating him in numerous aerial battles, being out dribbled many a time and almost a goal-costing deflection too. As for Arsenal, Mesut Ozil was promising, with a few runs and passes that promised some chance, but he did not have enough options – that was a clear problem. Arsenal did not have the creative spark, or the final ball and needed urgency. As the first half closed out, things got slower and Arsenal would dictate the game in the midfield’s passing.” comments Nisar Khan on the first half of the game.

Second half

Rio Ferdinand was the only change to start the second half, replacing Rafael.

Michael Carrick delivered the first chance to start the second half, which had potential to really threaten goal. Juan Mata delivered a ball in from the right that was headed on by Carrick, but no-one could meet the big chance at the far post.

Manchester United had positive early spells to start the second half however into the hour mark, after plenty of back-and-forth lackluster football, the pace and noise would pick up in favor of the hosts.

Arsenal had two consecutive big chances, with Antonio Valencia heading Laurent Kosielny’s attempt off the line, before De Gea scrambled to save another chance late on. 

Manchester United had some odd shots at goal, but Arsenal were quick enough to track them down or restrict them, such as Juan Mata’s 65th minute attempt from a long-range shot gone wide. 

While at times it was a feisty encounter, it would take 73 minutes until referee Mark Clattenburg dished out the first booking, to Antonio Valencia.

Alex-Oxlade Chamberlain would be introduced into the match in the 74th minute, replacing Thomas Rosicky. Juan Mata off for Adnan Januzaj would follow shortly after.

Olivier Giroud had a crucial chance in the 77th minute. It was the closest chance of the game to that point with Bacary Sagna’s great ball in, but Giroud missed the touch and it went out wide, much to the relief of Manchester United, who looked beaten on that occasion. 

A few minutes later and it would take an incredible save from Wojciech Szczęsny to deny what would have been a sublime team goal. Wayne Rooney linked up extremely well with his striking partner Robin van Persie to set him up for a header, tipped onto the bar with a great save. 

Arsenal would build up some quality passing that would force the best of Manchester United’s defenders. De Gea would force a save from great Cazorla and Ozil build-up late on. Arsenal were dominating possession as the game approached stoppage time.

Santi Cazorla was brought down 20 yards from goal with a free-kick in possible scoring range. Mesut Ozil’s free kick was fired at the wall, and the cross after the ball came out was strongly headed away by Vidic, who had been a defensive rock at the back for the away side.

More pressure was being put on Manchester United, with Cazorla weaving in and out to force a low save from De Gea.

Manchester Uniteds counter-attacks would break down, and the full-time whistle would blow with both teams knowing they could have won.

Comment & Analysis: “Slowburner and frustrating outing for both could have won” writes Nisar Khan

We really could have seen three or four goals in the early fast-paced start to the game, yet for Robin van Persie it was a case of poor composure – while Arsenal’s was the opposite, lacking urgency on the ball and not being fast enough to keep Manchester United defenders on alert.

While Olivier Giroud did trouble with some chances, he failed to be as effective as he should of been, especially his wide header. Manchester United were managing to close him down and restrict the Frenchman to little. 

Tempo continued to fluctuate throughout the contest. The opening half-an-hour was fast, atmospheric and well-contested, while the game fell flat to conclude the first half as Arsenal took control. It was quite the slowburner, but increased onward from the hour mark.

It was not one of the most entertaining games, but switched on and off. Highlights are from the beginning five minutes to the last ten minutes while in between was a mere slowburner. A point for their efforts can be seen either way.

Arsenal and Manchester United’s encounter on Wednesday night won’t be remembered as one of the best, but a lot was learned in a night where there will be regrets, but relief that at least a point was taken.

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Top Five Players to Keep Fit for the Title Race


With the league season slowly progressing towards an enthralling culmination, keeping players fit has become an imperative matter. Here are the players that need to be kept fit for one of the closest title race in years.

While essentially every player is an important part for the efforts of the top four to challenge for the league, some of the most essential come in places where the biggest goal output originates from, or where the team’s most significant player in helping them work together. 

It’s set to be a thrilling title race, and here are the top five players that need to be kept fit in order for their team to be in with a chance of winning the Premier League.

#5: Luis Suarez, Liverpool Forward

Luis Suarez is the Premier League’s top goal scorer. With his form increasing by the day, his importance to Liverpool is imperative. The Uruguayan missed many games to start the season after his ban, but since then he has kicked on to impressive records.

With Liverpool still not as close in the title race compared to the top three teams, Luis Suarez importance ranks him in #5, also considering that Daniel Sturridge can cover the duties with his goal-scoring going from strength-to-strength.

Should they keep Luis Suarez fit, then Liverpool really have a chance to challenge. They are by no means down and out with ‘winnable’ games ahead before big clashes at home. Its players like Luis Suarez that pick up the all-important goals on their way to really put them back in a solid position. And if it goes the other way, then this counts in the same respect to Luis Suarez helping them battle for European football.

#4: Laurent Koscielny & Per Mertesacker, Arsenal Defenders

Arsenal’s centre-backs have gathered an impressive defensive record over the season, and this had made them of paramount importance to Arsenal’s title efforts. They are not exactly a ‘player’ but the plural, however their importance is classed together in a partnership.

There record was impeccable leading up to the beating they received at Anfield in a 5 – 1 loss. Nonetheless, their defensive partnership has been second to no-one in the league, and their form will need to continue to keep Arsenal’s title hopes alive.

It’s a well worked partnership that has kept many attacks at bay, without one of them, they may not work as well, and without the pair, then it could spell disaster.


#3: Yaya Toure, Man City Midfielder

Yaya Toure has been a workhouse for Manchester City throughout their campaign, being the biggest part of helping foil their numerous demolitions. 

With Sergio Aguero being injured, it is a big blow to Manchester City but no doubt they have the resources to facilitate. For instance, Alvaro Negredo and Steven Jovetic (along with Dzeko performing better) is enough to facilitate for the Argentine, whereas Yaya Toure brings a unique gel to Man City which makes everything work so well. 

As the power and the pillar keeping Manchester City well structured in the midfield, the Ivorian’s fitness must be kept as good as possible – like we saw two years ago when he was one of the most important parts to City’s historic league win. 

#2: Olivier Giroud, Arsenal Forward

The Frenchman has been an important goal output for the Gunners as they got to the top of the table, and his striking ability makes him an important asset.

What puts him high up on this list is that he along with Nicklas Bendtner are the only real strikers, and should Giroud get injured then that spells trouble for them with Bendtner taking the central role. In addition, the injury to Walcott increases his importance.

There may be an increased strain on this going into Europe and other cups, the demand will be high but his body must cope for Arsenal to stand a strong chance. 

#1: Eden Hazard, Chelsea Forward

Well, Eden Hazard is one of the best players in the league today. The 21-year old Belgian has taken the weight from strikers such as Eto’o and Torres to score goals, create chances and continue a delightful season by helping Chelsea reach the top. 

Although Samuel Eto’o did score a couple of goals against Manchester United, his form is inconsistent at times, whereas Hazard delivers constantly to get all-important wins for the team.

Eden Hazard has helped Chelsea into a position where the league is there’s to lose, but should he get injured, that situation could be turned upside down.

Hat-trick hero: Eden Hazard celebrates a trio of goals in the weekend. IMAGE COURTESY: Telegraph.co.uk


With the title race getting more intense by the day, these players will play a huge role – fitness is key.

Can these players stay injury-free as the season approaches a climax? How important will they prove to be?

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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Who Will Undertaker Face at WrestleMania 30?


It’s WrestleMania season, a time where the arrival of one legend is always speculated. With the Deadman set for a possible 22nd match on the Grand Stage, who could he face?

The Undertaker has always put on a show at WrestleMania, being the very spectacle and highlight of the show itself, year-in and year-out, continuing to out-perform and steal the show.

As the Deadman edges further towards retirement – a moment that many wrestling fans alike will not be able to recover from for many years – matches become more important, making it an opportunity for superstars to solidify their legacy, putting their name down as having an incredible match with The Undertaker. 

There are rumors circulating around which have put Undertaker’s name with one person, but there are many other potential candidates who could share the ring with the Phenom at the Mercedes Super Dome in New Orleans this April.

Undertaker is rumored to return on the February 24 edition of Monday Night Raw.

John Cena

Being one of the most popular superstars in wrestling history, John Cena’s name is always put beside The Undertaker’s for the WrestleMania lineup when rumors are at a high building up to the Grandest Stage of Them All.

On this case, it looks like the Doctor of Thuganomics is moving towards a WrestleMania showdown with Bray Wyatt – a speculative call that will take much more convincing for the buy. This makes a match at WrestleMania 30 less likely.

However, what makes The Undertaker’s matches progressively unpredictable is the time frame, and how many more matches he has left in him. Should The Undertaker have only one match left, then surely John Cena has to be a big name for his final match.

WWE like to get the better of fans, and there have been a few occasions that turn WWE fans into thinking one way before a shock that reverses their initial predictions. Despite that, its unlikely John Cena will face The Undertaker this year round.

Will The Undertaker finally meet with John Cena on the Grand Stage? Or is this showdown set for another year?


The Celtic Warrior Sheamus stepping in to challenge The Undertaker’s unheard-of streak would be quite the match.

In previous WWE.com interviews (post-WrestleMania 28), the first Irish World Champion pitted The Undertaker as one of his dream opponents. Furthermore, he didn’t hold back in contending to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29, but it would be CM Punk who would win the Four-Way match. 

Sheamus is yet to secure anything for WrestleMania, with his current storyline situation being in the mid-zone. With a potential Daniel Bryan match now under a shadow of doubt with Bryan’s recent altercations with Kane, Sheamus could be set to face The Undertaker.

Both superstars have similar styles, in a match where they both throw it at each other in a slugfest. However for this match to pick up some steam, Sheamus’ bounce back from his Royal Rumble return needs to put him on his best run of his career.

Will the Celtic Warrior have himself set for his first major WrestleMania match? Or does someone else await in the Phenom’s path? 

Brock Lesnar

The Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar could post the biggest threat to Undertaker’s streak come April 6 in New Orleans.

This is probably the most likely candidate out of the others suggested in this article, per numerous wrestling report sites that indicate a match between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker.

What makes this match so interesting is the personal feud or heated words between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar. They have a history. 

This match will be all the more exciting should it happen as a result. Some sites suggested that there was doubt of this match considering Lesnar’s willingness to spend as much time practicing the match – should this happen, it will be one of the most anticipated matches featuring The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Brock Lesnar could be heading to put an end to The Undertaker’s streak at WrestleMania. Will Undertaker feel the pain?


We always like to throw in the wildcards, but these really are wildcards, Sting – who could sign for the WWE in a shock move to challenge Taker in a battle for the ages, or Kane, to add another installment to their epic rivalry.

With time ticking down to New Orleans. When will The Undertaker show up, and who awaits him for a showdown at the Super Dome?

 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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