F1 ABU DHABI GRAND PRIX: Vettel Storms to Another Win in the Desert

ABU DHABI – Sebastian Vettel once again outshun his rivals to win by another big margin in his seventh consecutive race win.

Deja vu… again! If anyone thought Sebastian Vettel was going to ease off the gas and just enjoy being a four time World Champion here at the Yas Marina circuit they were wrong, very wrong! Sebastian was furious with himself for making one small mistake on his final run in qualifying and letting Mark Webber in for Pole. Clearly second place is no place for him in his unbeatable Red Bull racing car!

Before the race as Lewis went out to the grid he had a problem with his brakes. That forced his mechanics to scramble on the grid and remove both callipers on the rear wheels to fix the problem with just minutes until the race start. They managed it in time but not an ideal start for the Englishman in what would prove to be yet another frustrating afternoon behind the wheel.

Off the line it was Lewis`s teammate Nico Rosberg with the better start and overtook the slow starting Pole sitter Mark Webber. Vettel also had a good start and beat his team mate into turn 1 to take the lead. Romain Grosjean overtook Lewis for fourth as they powered through turn 2. Meanwhile truly a race weekend to forget for Kimi Raikkonen as not only did he have to start from 24th place due to a penalty but he banged wheels on the first corner with the Caterham of Giedo Van Der Garde and broke a front right track rod. He pulled up at the exit of turn 2 and promptly jumped in a car to leave the circuit. Will he race again this season? We will see.

By lap 4 Vettel had all too easily settled into a nice lead of nearly 4 seconds to Nico Rosberg in 2nd. Cars start to pit from lap 7 swapping their option (soft) tyres for the harder Prime tyres. Vettel, with less tyre wear due to driving in clean air and also possessing a magic right foot manages to stay out much longer before pitting on lap 14. By this time he had already built up enough of a lead to rejoin the race in first place again!

At the half way point Vettel led by 28 seconds to Mark Webber, Rosberg a further 3 seconds adrift in 3rd then Grosjean, Massa, Hamilton, Alonso, Hulkenberg and Perez making up the top ten. From lap 30 cars start their 2nd stops and barring some passes and repasses in midfield the rest of the race proceeds without too much incident.

As the beautiful desert sun set around the Yas Marina track there was only ever going to be one winner. Yet again he showed that second place was a totally unacceptable position to settle for. His car designed by Adrian Newey, who also clearly does not settle for anything less than 1st place, was in a class of it`s own.

Two more races left, will Sebastian ease off and settle for second place? You now know the answer to that.

By Keith Mehaffey
 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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