BOXING: Floyd Mayweather Proves He Is The One

By Nisar Khan

LAS VEGAS – Floyd Mayweather proved to the World that he is the best denying a valiant effort by Saul Alvarez and win by majority decision.

The fight went the distance, and Alvarez’s streak would end (via USA TODAY Sports)


Round 1
Quiet start to the bout, as both fighters were in the feeling-out process. It was the better round for Mayweather to start things, but they were working each other out, just like technicians should.

Round 2
Mayweather was the better in Round 2, pace picked up as expected and it was quite close. Floyd just edges it in my books, and some encouragement going forward for Alvarez landing the left hook on Mayweather.

Round 3
Things were picking up in the third round. More fluent combinations and Canelo moved forward to land a better combination, but Mayweather responded closer. The Money Team had the edge in the first three rounds, but it was close.

Round 4
Saul Alvarez was really getting into it and lead the round although taking the biggest shot thus far when Mayweather landed a right hand straight on Alvarez’s face causing some bruising  Mayweather took the threshold in round scoring with a combination in the final minute to take the points.

Round 5
As the fifth round drew to a close, the same pattern followed as in previous rounds. Alvarez did more, but not enough. Noticeably the referee seemed more involved having to break up clinches etc. Alvarez landed a few shots, and he knew it with Mayweather’s grinning. But the Mexican was still searching for the solid success to build on.

Round 6
As the first half of the bout came to a close, Alvarez had more success in the sixth round, better than in previous ones. Mayweather’s shots made the bigger impact and edged the sixth round looking in complete control from a more closer round.

Round 7
Big round for Mayweather. More of the same followed by an insanely-accurate combination and a superb uppercut that left Alvarez dazed in the corner. He managed to hit back slightly but nothing to take away the points from Mayweather.

Round 8
Real encouragement for Alvarez, better chance of him winning the round. For the first time he has Mayweather under some decent pressure, but Mayweather remains too illusive and Alvarez finds himself landing on the arms without clean shots. Harder work by Alvarez, reverting from his technical tactics to make it a tough battle and look for a solid shot to take on Mayweather.

Mayweather was undoutedly the winner when the final bell rang (via Bleacher Report)

Round 9
A more even round, Alvarez continues to work hard but Mayweather looked on another level, able to just deceive him and even hit him with a nice right. But rather even and not really a clear winner out of Round 9.

Round 10
At last, it is looking like some success for Alvarez who looked like he won the 10th Round. Worked hard once again and got his shots off outweighing Mayweather’s good combos on this occassion. But Mayweather looked ahead and Alvarez needed the knockout to win.

Round 11
Mayweather turning it into a masterclass. Really showing us why he is the best and he has Alvarez in dire straits. Floyd was having more fun mocking him as he missed wildly on a shot. Mayweather looked to proceed easily on the final round.

Round 12
Floyd Mayweather did not really need to work much in the final round, just hyping up the crowd as he cruised to his majority decision victory.

Floyd Mayweather really worked well in the fight. He secured a lead early prevailing with an edge over the first five or six rounds. There is no doubting the hard work that Alvarez put into the fight, but it was all in vein as Mayweather prevailed. Scrappy at times, but it turned into a Mayweather masterclass. Alvarez has a great future, but the Mayweather supremacy lives on.

Saul Alvarez suffers his first loss at the hands of Floyd Mayweather. Remaining on top is Mayweather, and he proved that he is “The One”.

 By Nisar Khan
 – Sports for the Fans, by the Fans.

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